- extraChIPs::ex_genesDatasets for an example region
- extraChIPs::ex_hicDatasets for an example region
- extraChIPs::ex_promDatasets for an example region
- extraChIPs::ex_transDatasets for an example region
- extraChIPs::grch37.cytobandsCytogenetic bands
- extraChIPs::grch38.cytobandsCytogenetic bands
- extraChIPs::peaksDatasets for the Fixed-Width Vignette
- extraChIPs::seDatasets for the Fixed-Width Vignette
- motifTestR::ar_er_peaksA set of peaks with AR and ER detected
- motifTestR::ar_er_seqSequences from peaks with AR and ER detected
- motifTestR::ex_pfmExample Position Frequency Matrices
- motifTestR::hg19_maskRegions from hg19 with high N content
- motifTestR::zr75_enhCandidate Enhancer Regions from ZR-75-1 Cells
- ngsReports::gcTheoreticalTheoretical GC content